With the help of the students involved in our project we carried out a survey about the impact of the project on our students and teachers and also their families. We asked three questions:

With the help of the students involved in our project we carried out a survey about the impact of the project on our students and teachers and also their families. We asked three questions:

1) Do you think that project ICE has raised the awareness of the students as well as teachers in our school of the issues connected with the environment and comsumerism?

2) Do you think that project ICE has improved the environment in our school?

3) Do you think that project ICE has had an impact on the awareness of the issues connected with the environment and consumerism on your family members?

They could choose from four answers below and they were also encouraged to justify their choices and make comments:

SA – strongly agree
A – agree
D – disagree
SD – strongly disagree

We asked a hundred people in our school.


Question 1
81 % of students strongly agree or agree. Most of them think that they recycle more both at school and at home and are more aware of the issues connected with consumerism and the environment and also pay more attention to the cleanliness in classrooms, corridors and in public. 5 of them said they had started buying clothes in second-hand shops, 3 of them started to use their own textile bags instead of plastic ones in supermarkets, 2 of them started their own website about ecological issues and consumerism. 4 students and 2 teachers also started to participate actively in regular clean-up days in our town organised twice a year as a part of world clean-up days. Those students who went on excursions to the local waste disposal and sewege disposal plants said that this experience has changed their attitude to recycling and saving water.

Question 2
57 % of students strongly agree or agree. They noticed the new recycling bins in the corridors and classrooms and they say that thanks to the month of ecological awareness (which was one of the activities of the project) they also try to save water and energies at school. Most of them also noticed the new project tree and new bushes planted in the surroundings of our school by the students involved in the project and 4 of them started to participate actively in Earth Day activities organised in the park near our school.

Question 3
42 % strongly agree or agree that their households recycle more, but mostly thanks to the students. Most students say that it isn´t sometimes easy to persuade their parents to recycle properly. 2 students made their parents make a garden compost, one household has bought a vermicomposter.

The results of the survey comfirm our belief that the project has been worth carrying out.

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