With the help of the students involved in our project we carried out a survey about the impact of the project on our students and teachers and also their families. We asked three questions: With the help of the students involved in our project we carried out a survey about the impact of the projectRead more about FINAL SURVEY – THE IMPACT OF OUR PROJECT „ICE“ ON OUR STUDENTS, SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT, FAMILIES.[…]
Author: Martin Rožnovják
The winner of our literary competition.
On Monday 10th June we organised an excursion to a local sewage disposal plant. We learned a lot of information about water purification process and what happens with all the sewage components.
Our third mobility: Bulgaria. We planted trees and other plants, made things from recycled materials, visited a national park and learned about Bulgarian culture and history. We also discussed the following activities of the project.
We planted a project tree and some bushes around our school. Class 6.AV participated in this activity. We hope the tree and bushes will grow well.
Cleaning around our town. The Czech school took part in the cleaning and also our headmaster helped.
February was ´The month of ecological awareness´. All classes in the Czech school took part in an ecological competition. They recycled materials, saved energies, kept the classrooms clean. Even the cleaning ladies saw the difference. 3.AV class came the first in the competition, 4.A class was the second and 3.A class was the third. GoodRead more about MONTH OF ECOLOGICAL AWARENESS[…]